Sunday, 19 May 2013


Ayurvedic pharmacology is based upon the concepts of Rasa, Guna, Veerya, Vipaka and Prabhava of the Dravya used to prepare the medicine. Ayurvedic Treatments differ from the majority of conventional cures in its unique approach towards healing. Rather than trying to cure a disease in isolation, Ayurveda takes into account an individual in his entirety.

Vata Prakruthi
Vata, which is identified with the cosmic element of vaayu or air and akash or either, control all types of movements and is responsible for respiration too. This is the kinetic force in all kinds of biological forms, and controls the body's auto-functions (nerve impulses, circulation, respiration, and elimination and heartbeats etc.) therein. In case of an imbalance (vikruti), vata prakriti individuals, who are quick in their mental process and initiation of action, tend to suffer from diseases of the neurological system especially motor functions. The diseases are pronounced during the old age, which is the period of vata (vata kala). The disease mostly affects the lower parts of the body since they are the predominant seats of vata dosha.

Pitha Prakruthi
Pitta Prakriti  consists of agni or tejas, the element of heat energy. It is responsible for maintenance of body heat and transforming in nature. All types of outside elements an individual takes-in are transformed into inside elements (microcosm) of the body by pitta. It governs the digestion or proper assimilation of physical, mental and emotional elements of a biological entity. Hence, Pitta is responsible for metabolism in the organ and tissue systems, as well as cellular metabolism. The persons of this prakriti are sharp, quick in action and normally possess a very good intellect as well as grasping power. The pitta prakriti persons are prone to diseases of the digestive and metabolic systems. The diseases mostly affect the abdomen i.e. the area between the chest and umbilicus. Also, pitta disorders are pronounced in the middle ages, which is the period of pitta (pitta kala).

Kapha Prakruthi
Kapha prakriti or dosha consists of prithvi (earth) and jala (water). Jala or ap, is essential for sustenance of life. Prithvi, or earth, is responsible for structure and bulk of the material. Kapha is responsible for body form and structure (fluids, fats, bones and muscles). The Kapha prakriti endows the individuals with a good physic and strong perseverance but they are slow in their activities. The cold quality of Kapha results in poor appetite as their Agni or digestion is poor. In case of an imbalance (vikruti), individuals tend to suffer from the diseases of the respiratory system especially phlegmatic disorders. The diseases normally affect the upper parts of the body i.e. chest and above. The diseases are pronounced during the early ages (childhood), which is the period of Kapha (kapha kala).

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